2025 Salty Lizard Gravel Race
April 5th, 2025
Please fill out this Google Form to sign up https://forms.gle/5igVpCnaskpvdjYz6
The course uses the Silver Island Mountain Loop Road, LeppyPass Road and the Silver Island Bypass Road to make for a ripper of a course.The road conditions are a variety of smooth 20+mph dirt roads, a bit of chunkyand some sandy sections. We’ll keep you updated on conditions as we countdownto race day.
You’ll hover on the edge of the Bonneville Salt Flats andmaybe even see some speedy vehicles burning up the Bonneville Salt Flats RaceCourse. There are 3 feed zones that will provide refreshment and plenty of coldliquid.
Since we are limited to the roads in Utah, the race coursesuse a variety of loops around the Silver Island Mountain Range. You will wantto download the GPX files for the maps to load on your device and keepyou on track. We are working to produce color coded direction/instruction signsto be placed at pivotal junctions, assisting you to maintain the correct lap ofyour course.
Salty Lizard is the inaugural Utah State Championship GravelRace. Plan for the state championship to be Dirty Dino in 2025.
Race Courses
• El Lagarto – 96.5 miles, 3460 feet ascent. Map - https://ridewithgps.com/routes/47533948 Description– depart Wendover Airport Terminal to the eastbound I-80 frontage road rollingneutral for 5 miles. Racing starts as you approach the Bonneville SpeedwayAccess Road and look ahead to the Leppy Pass climb (get familiar with this oneas you’ll climb it again at 28 miles to go. You’ll continue north on the SilverIsland Loop Road after the Leppy Pass Feed Zone until you reach the SilverIsland Bypass Road. This is the start of the El Lagarto/Lickity Split figure-8deathmatch/march as you head southeast to begin your north loop passing theSilver Island Bypass Feed Zone. Make sure to reload here. You’ve got 22 milesto the next stop, Crater Island Road Feed Zone (mile 43.5). While you workyourself into delirium with the lonely salt flats to keep you on track youreturn to your 2nd of 3 navigations of the Silver Island Bypass Road. You’ll behappy to see the Feed Zone crew at mile 58.5. Don’t worry, you’ll see themagain at mile 83.5 since you head back to rally the Leppy Pass climb. Thingswill likely break up if there are still groups together and you’ll have achance to refill with just over 25 miles to go at the Leppy Pass Feed Zoneagain. Don’t worry, you can reload a 3rd and final time at the Silver IslandPass Feed Zone with 13 miles of mostly flat and fast roads left, with theexception of the last half-mile climb averaging 7.5% to the finish line aboveDanger Cave. You’ll find some tents for shade and cold water & soda torefresh yourself for the quick downhill pedal back, following the rules-of-the road,to the start/festival area at the Wendover Airport Terminal.
• Lickity Split – 71.6 miles, 2444 feet ascent. Map - https://ridewithgps.com/routes/47533920 Description – depart Wendover Airport Terminalto the eastbound I-80 frontage road rolling neutral for 5 miles. Racing startsas you approach the Bonneville Speedway Access Road and look ahead to the LeppyPass climb. You’ll continue north on the Silver Island Loop Road after theLeppy Pass Feed Zone until you reach the Silver Island Bypass Road. This is thestart of the El Lagarto/Lickity Split figure-8 deathmatch/march as you headsoutheast to begin your north loop passing the Silver Island Bypass Feed Zone.Make sure to reload here. You’ve got 22 miles to the next stop, Crater IslandRoad Feed Zone (mile 43.5). While you work yourself into delirium with thelonely salt flats to keep you on track you return to your 2nd navigation of theSilver Island Bypass Road. You’ll be happy to see the Feed Zone crew at mile58.5. As you roll out of the Silver Island Pass Feed Zone for the 2nd time youonly have 13 miles of mostly flat and fast roads left, with the exception ofthe last half-mile climb averaging 7.5% to the finish line above Danger Cave.You’ll find some tents for shade and cold water & soda to refresh yourselffor the quick downhill pedal back, following the rules-of-the-road, to thestart/festival area at the Wendover Airport Terminal.
• Little Lizzie –35.7 miles, 1535 feet ascent. Map - https://ridewithgps.com/routes/47527970 Description– depart Wendover Airport Terminal to the eastbound I-80 frontage road rollingneutral for 5 miles. Racing starts as you approach the Bonneville SpeedwayAccess Road and look ahead to the Leppy Pass climb. You’ll continue north onthe Silver Island Loop Road after the Leppy Pass Feed Zone (mile 9) until youreach the Silver Island Bypass Road. Head over the summit and right to theSilver Island Bypass Feed Zone (mile 22). Make sure to reload here. As you rollout of the Silver Island Pass Feed Zone you only have 13 miles of mostly flatand fast roads left, with the exception of the last half-mile climb averaging7.5% to the finish line above Danger Cave. You’ll find some tents for shade,cold water & soda to refresh yourself for the quick downhill pedal back,following the rules-of-the-road, to the start/festival area at the WendoverAirport Terminal.
Feed Zones
1. Leppy Pass – Little Lizzie (short) course passesthrough 1x, Lickity Split (medium) course passes through 1x, El Lagarto (long)course passes through 2x 2.
2. Silver Island Bypass – Little Lizzie passesthrough 1x, Lickity Split passes through 2x, El Lagarto passes through 3x 3.
3. Crater Island Road – Lickity Split passesthrough 1x, El Lagarto passes through 1x
Feed Zone Mileage & Timing
1. Leppy Pass – 9 miles (all courses), 71 miles(long course)
• Google Maps Link - https://maps.app.goo.gl/SRVpTsF39HYphbY37
• Open 7am
• Closed 1pm – staff must be notified by Dave to close.
• Staff will use Leppy Pass paved road and head toward I-80.
• Driving directions to return - https://maps.app.goo.gl/Pkda2NqxUEM1KbDx7
2. Silver Island Bypass – 21 miles (all), 58.5(medium & long), 83.5 (long)
• Google Maps Link - https://maps.app.goo.gl/sYnhfvkNSx6wQHwi8
• Open 7am
• Closed 3pm – staff must benotified by Dave to close.
• Staff will return opposite ofrace course to the Leppy Pass paved road, then head toward 80.
• Driving directions to return - https://maps.app.goo.gl/tip8fB7HsM6qrX2M7
3. Crater Island Road – 43.5 miles (medium &long)
• Google Maps Link - https://maps.app.goo.gl/yQqTiiVRBBBGa9X36
• Open 8am
• Close 12pm – staff must be notified by Dave to close. Staff will returnfollowing race traffic to the Silver Island Bypass Road following to Leppy Passpaved road, then head toward I-80
• Driving directions to return - https://maps.app.goo.gl/HM4z3yKRH1dvxwPj8
Here is the sign-up site....
====>>>> https://runsignup.com/Race/Volunteer/UT/SaltLakeCity/saltlakecitymarathon <<<<=====
The event will commence at 7 AM (but (but some operators will need to be on site at 6 AM) and will continue until about 1:00 PM. The majority of the ham operators are needed at the aid stations, however some will also be needed at Medical Tents, with the roving Sag vehicles, in the Public Safety area, Net Control, and possibly a few other specialty areas.
Some of the assignments will be relatively short in duration (for instance, some of the early aid stations) and the participants can go home before 10 AM, others will require that you be present from 6 AM though the end.
If you are interested in volunteering,
1. please go the volunteer website below, scroll down to the "ham radio" section, and fill in the required information:
2. Then, send me an email with any preferences that you may have regarding location, time constraints, etc.
Note that, unless you specify otherwise, you will probably be assigned to an aid station. However, some operators may also be colocated with EMT's and Law Enforcement, so let me know if you prefer one of those assignments.
Finally, this is sure to be a fun day, and we are looking forward to seeing you there.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me directly via email.
It will be fun!!!!
Thank you,
Thor Femenias (KF7RKO)
2025 Salt Flats Endurance Run
Please check back often in case a position opens
Fri, May 2nd ,2025, 6:30am – Sat, May 3rd ,2025, 7:30pm
Bonneville Salt Flats International Speedway, Bonneville Speedway Road, Wendover, UT 84083, USA (map)
Welcome to the Salt Flats Endurance Runs or as we like to call it SFER
This event is actually 3 separate courses operating during the event
The courses all start at the Bonneville Salt Flats Speedway on Friday May 2rd at 0700hrs, and run the same section of Salt Flats that the land-speed records are set each year at "Speed week". After 13 miles of salt and three miles of mud-flats, the runners connect up with the "Islands", mountain peaks that rise out of the salt and seem to float like islands on a white sea.
50k runners will run out to Aid Station #2 at 15.5 miles, and then reverse the course back to the finish line for an exact 50k.
100 Mile and 50 Mile runners will run along rolling hills and four significant climbs respectively along the remainder of the course, the 100 milers will even cross into Nevada where the Donner-Reed Party left Utah on their way to their fateful encounter with the harsh Sierra Nevada Mountains. All three courses finish back at the starting line.
This event presents the unique opportunity for Ham Radio Operators to “Stress Test” their equipment in one of the harshest environments known to man.
This event will stress you as an operator and your equipment to its fullest potential.
The weather at this time of year can be everything from sunny and High 90's to blowing snow and low 20's.
The salt desert is a unique environment, and wind is generally a constant. As a result, if the winds are high, the aid stations may not have shade canopies as you’ll find in many of the other 100’s. Plan accordingly.
With all of this excitement it makes you feel like you’re on a distant planet or in a Star Wars Movie.
This is a 36-hour event, we Recommend the use of high power (minimum 40 watts) VHF/UHF Amateur Radio voice operations.
This event uses the program “TRacer” Previously known as (Runner Tracker) for tracking the runner IN/OUT Times from each aid station. You MUST HAVE a device capable of running this software/App to participate.
Devices: Android Phone / Tablet or Apple Phone / Tablet
It also allows you as an operator to experiment with some of your own “Home Brew” inventions as communications back to Net Control can sometimes become a challenge all on its own.
One example of this is one operator that has staffed this event from the beginning has discovered that using a remote cross band repeater, allows the operator to gain access to one of the mountain top repeaters while being at the aid station that is tucked inside of a cove.
Another operator has found that using a remote base unit allows the operator to use a handheld at the aid station and then uses the high-power remote base to transmit to Net Control.
The options are truly endless and this event is always throwing us different situations that get to be solved.
We have 15 Aid stations that need Ham Radio Support. Not all positions are for the full 36 hours of the event.
So, making this into a day trip or a weekend event is possible.
Aid station signup is on a “First Come/First Filled Basis”
We encourage EARLY SIGNUP as most of the station assignments fill up quite quickly.
PLEASE NOTE: The event packet is NOT released until 30 days prior to the event date.
To sign up please use the link below
Date: May 3rd, 2025
Time: 8:00 am
Start: South Fork Park, Provo Canyon
Finish: Downtown Provo, University Ave. & Center
Welcome to the 16th annual PROVO CITY HALF MARATHON presented by SMILE CENTER of Utah! We are extremely grateful to Dr. Rob Jones, Dr. Rick James, and Dr. Cory Johnston, including their MVP team for all of their support with this event.
The Provo City Half Marathon is a fast and scenic course that begins at South Fork Park in beautiful Provo Canyon, and is home to the Original Downtown Provo Finish Line! This is definitely the event to get your spring off to the right start and test your endurance after a long winter break! This downhill course is perfect for the rookie or the seasoned veteran, so be a part of this year’s race and earn yourself a blazing-fast PR!
May 10, 2025- 9:00 AM - 5:00PM
Delle, Utah, USA
Distances: 31, 76miles Difficulty: Difficult terrain with longer, steeper hills
The Wild Horse will travel around andover the Cedar Mountain Wilderness, located 45 minutes west of Salt Lake Cityon I-80. Zero miles of pavement. All dirt and gravel roads. You will cover 76miles and climb 5,000 feet.
The entire route is on county-maintained roads that are usually passable by any 2wd vehicle. The first nine miles are rolling uphill leading to the first real climb, up and over Hasting Cutoff Pass. Descend from the 5,775-foot summit to the west side of the Cedars, and begin a rolling, fast ride south. At mile 38 the second climb, up and over Rydalch Pass, begins. Rydalch summit, at a little over 6,000feet, is the highest point on the route. Descend to the east bench and begin the long, winding return. A rest stop at mile 54 provides a welcome break. You cross past the base of the Hastings climb again at mile 67. From there, it is mostly downhill, fast and smooth, for the 9 miles back to the finish.
It won't be easy.
Little Wild Horse
Not up for the full deal? Try the Little Wild Horse. Route is 31 miles and 1,800 feet of climbing, including many of the same roads as The Wild Horse. Just a touch of pavement. Same start and finish area.
From the start, the Little Wild Horse heads west, parallel to I-80, before turning southwest. A gradual climb takes you to the aid station at mile 15, and the start of the Hastings Cutoff Pass. Climb from the aid station to reach the Hastings Summit, at 5,775 feet. The Stansbury mountains are directly in front of you to the east. Enjoy the descent from Hastings to the main eastside road. Nine miles from here to the finish, almost all downhill, often a fast false-flat.
Unpaved & untamed.
It won't be easy.
Not really a new kind of ride per se, but afterward, your legs will definitely feel like a baby’s legs.
Zero miles of pavement. Wide open. Challenging. Explore a land only 45 minutes west of downtown Salt Lake City where hundreds of wild horses' roam.
It won't be easy.
Volunteers need to be aware that this is a gravel ride in the west desert. There are no paved roads, so please be aware that your vehicle should be capable of travelling on dirt and gravel to get to the aid stations. Your aid station location will likely have no services available so bring your big batteries or generator. Bring adequate fluids to keep you hydrated, you will be in the desert for your entire assignment.
Did we mention that it won't be easy?
To sign up for this event please go to the website below.
The Crossover Half brings with it a new experience for half marathon runners or those looking to run a half for the first time. This scenic out and back course, being run on gravel/dirt roads, is a 'crossover' from paved roads towards trails. This race is not the typical all downhill course. It adds in the challenge of a gradual uphill with a bit of a climb in the first half, crossing over the hill into Sardine Canyon (where you will have some beautiful views) down to the halfway and turnaround point. After turning to head back you'll ascend to again crossover the hill (now with a nice view into Cache Valley) and begin a quick then gradual descent back to the finish. This course will provide a welcome challenge to runners of all levels. With a beautiful, scenic, and green mountain/canyon landscape to enjoy along the way, and the support of family, friends or someone you just met, this half is sure to become a favorite of yours.
Race day: Saturday, May 10, 2025. Start time: 7:00 a.m.
Start & finish: Little Bear River Retreat, Paradise, UT
878 Baxter Hollow, Paradise, UT 84328
The start and finish line are at the same place. The course is an out and back course. The course runs on dirt/gravel roads and a little bit of pavement. The first 5 miles are a gradual climb, then there is a steeper 1 mile climb to crossover the hill, followed by a nearly 1/2 mile descent to the halfway point. At the halfway mark the route makes a U-turn and heads back up the nearly 1/2 mile ascent to crossover the hill, head down the 1 mile steeper descent and then along the gradual downhill back to the finish.
To sign up for this event please go to the website below.
The fourth annual Stampede bike race will be held on Saturday, May 17th. There are two course options; a 25-mile or 50-mile.
Sat, June 7th
To sign up for this event please go to the website below.
Message Group & Wiki: https://groups.io/g/lrrh-ops
Little Red is a fully supported, non-competitive, women-only cycling event, organized by the Bonneville Cycling Club and supported by hundreds of volunteers to help raise money for breast and ovarian cancer reasearch at the Huntsman Cancer Institute.
To participate in this year's ARRL Field Day please contact your local HAM radio group for details.
If you wish to participate on your own please go to the website below for full details
ARRL Field Day is always held on the 4th full weekend in June.
2025 Field Day will be held June 28 - 29, 2025
Field Day is ham radio's open house. Every June, more than 31,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio's science, skill and service to our communities and our nation. It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event. Field Day has been an annual event since 1933, and remains the most popular event in ham radio.
ARRL Field Day is a radio communications event that brings together amateur radio operators (also called “hams”) within your community. The theme for 2025 Field Day is “Radio Connects” – highlighting the many ways that wireless technology connects people across distances near and far. The event is part picnic, campout, practice for emergencies, informal contest, and most of all, fun! ARRL Field Day is the most popular ham radio activity held annually in the US and Canada. On the fourth weekend in June each year, more than 31,000 hams get together with their radio clubs, schools, or friends to operate from remote locations.
For many radio clubs, ARRL Field Day is one of the highlights on their annual calendar. A typical Field Day site will showoff many aspects of amateur radio and its many roles.
Some groups use Field Day as an opportunity to practice their emergency communications readiness. ARRL Field Day is an annual demonstration and invites the general public and organizations to see how amateur radio can serve in an emergency, When All Else Fails®. Hams are well-known for their communications support in real disaster and post-disaster situations. Despite the development of very complex, modern communications systems — or maybe because they are so complex — ham radio has been called into action, again and again, to provide communications in crises when it really matters.
Amateur radio also inspires the next generation of technical leaders by providing a hands-on sandbox where students gain experience in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
For those with a competitive spirit, Field Day stations compete to make radio contacts with as many other stations as possible while learning to operate radio equipment in challenging situations and less-than-optimal conditions. These same skills are used by hams who volunteer to help with large, preplanned, non-emergency events such as marathons and bike-a-thons; fundraisers such as walk-a-thons; celebrations such as parades, and exhibits at fairs, malls, and museums.