Largest social HAM radio club in the state of Utah, in person meeting the second Thursday of the month at the University of Utah, in room 1230 of the Warnock Engineering Building at 7:30PM. Parking available in the A Lot east of the Warnock Building on the east side of Central Campus Dr.
The meeting before the meeting is at the Village In at 900 East 400 South at 5:15PM.
The meeting after the meeting is at Litza's Pizza at 400 South 700 East immediately after the meeting.
On-Air Information Net held every Sunday at 9:00 PM on the 146.620 repeater.
Maintains the Intertie repeater system. Annual in-person meeting and Swapmeet the fourth Saturday of February at the Davis County Fairgrounds.
On-Air HAM Swap Net held every Tuesday at 8:00 PM on the InterMountain intertie.
Although DMR Utah doesn't have their own regular meetings, they do participate and present at other club meetings, conferences and swapmeets. Check their Meetups section for more info on where they will be next.
The DMR-UTAH group is a group of Utah HAM radio operators who operate and maintain a MotoTRBO" radio network. Usage of the repeater system is open to use by all licensed amateur radio operators with the appropriate priviledges.
Information on how to program DMR radios and general system usage information may be found on the Talkgoups page. You will also find pre-programmed Codeplugs for the more popular DMR radios on the Codeplugs page.
There is now a statewide DMR net held every Wednesday evening at 6:00 PM on the Talk Group 314900.
On-Air Nets each Wednesday at 9:00 PM. The Salt Lake area is on the 146.74 repeater, Ogden area on the 145.49 repeater and Provo area on the 145.37 repeater.
The Wasatch-Back Amateur Radio Group consists of licensed radio operators in northeastern Utah. The Wasatch Back refers to three couties east of the Wasatch mountains, Morgan, Summit, and Wasatch counties. The group also includes a few operators from Salt Lake County. We meet on the air every Thursday at 21:00 hours on the Lewis Peak repeater which covers the mountainous region of northeastern Utah. The frequency is 147.360 MHz, 600 kHz offset and 100Hz tone. All are welcome to tune in if you are in range of the repeater.
Three Group Eyeballs are held during the year; winter (second Saturday in February), spring/summer (second Saturday in May), and fall (second Saturday in September). Each being held in one of the three participating tri-counties on a rotational bases. Members are expected to attend at least one Eyeball per year.
On-Air Nets every Thursday at 2100 hours local time on the 147,360 kHz repeater, located on Lewis Peak (Summit County).